sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Dia 12: CPI Toural & Carrera de UNICEF

Hoy necesite despertarme temprano para el ultimo dia de colegio que tienen los chicos espanoles. Yo cogi mis tarjetas postales, fui al instituto y se las di a Maestra.Entonces nosotros pusimos nuestras mochilas sobre las mesas y hablamos juntos. Luego el colegio tuvo un desayuno para nosotros. En la cafeteria, habia chocolate con churros. El chocolate es un dulce muy importante en Espana. El desayuno gue muy delicioso. Pero Mike derramo su chocolate sobre su ropa, otras personas, la mesa, y la pared. Ja ja ja!!!! El necesito muchisimas servilletas para limpiar todo el chocolate. Al terminar de desyunar, regresamos a la biblioteca y yo me puse a escribir mucho en mi diario.

Today I had to get up early because it's the last day of school for the Spaniards. I grabbed my postcards, went to school, and gave them to Maestra. Then we dropped off our bookbags and talked with our friends. The school hosted a breakfast for us. In the cafeteria, they had chocolate con churros for us. Chocolate is a very important part of the Spanish diet. Breakfast was delicious. Mike however, spilled his chocolate all over his clothes, other kids, the table, and the wall. LOL!!!! He needed a bunch of napkins to clean up the chocolate mess. When we finished, we returened to the library and I continued to write a lot in my journal.

Al terminar , visitamos muchas aulas de clase en CPI do Toural. Visitamos la calse de plastica, technoliga y otras clases. Yo vi que los letreros estaban escritos en Gallego. Pero no hay una diferencia tan grande entre el Castellano y el Gallego por lo tanto yo entendi los carteles. Despues de la gira escolar nos fuimos a fuera.

When we finished, we visited several classrooms in CPI do Toural. We saw their art class, computer class, and other classes. I noticed that the signs on the walls were in Gallego. The difference between Castillian and Gallego is not that big so I could understand all the signs. After we turned the school we headed outside.

Por la trade, fuimos a ver un pequeno concierto de chichos de nuestra edad. Tambien habia una carrera alrededor de la escuela para recaudar dinero para UNICEF. Primero, vimos a los ninos pequenos correr y despues corrimos los chicos grandes. Yo corri con los otros chicos americanos y espanoles. Los chicos americanos nos divertimos mucho porque contamos muchos chistes durante la carrera y hicimos cosas muy graciosas. Por ejemplo, corrimos juntos y al final saltamos unos encima de otros como ranas. No ganamos un premio porque nosotros fuimos los ultimos en terminar la carrera.Las chicas americanas ganaron dos de los tres premios. Estabamos muy orgullosos. Despues tomamos bocadillos y refrescos que regalaban a todos los participantes.

In the afternoon, we attended a short concert with kids that are our own age. There was also a race around the school to fundraise money for UNICEF. The little kids raced first and then the older students. I ran with the americans and the Spaniards. The Americans had a great time because we horsed around, told jokes, and did lots of funny stuff. FOr example, at the end of the race we jumped over each other like frogs. We didn't win a prize because we were the last ones to arrive at the finish line. The American Girls won two of the top three prizes. We were very proud. After the race we ate sandwiches and had drinks that were available to all the participants of the race.

Despues del colegio, yo volvi a la casa de Pablo. Yo me dormi la siesta. Cuando me desperte, fuimos a la casa de Alvaro y jugamos baloncesto y futbol americano con Alvaro, Jake y Pablo. Nos divertimos. Al terminar comimos el almuerzo con jamon serrano, pan, refrescos de Coca Cola, y fruta.

After school, I returned to Pablo's house. I had a siesta. When I woke up, we went to Alvaro's house and played basketball and American football with Alvaro, Jake, and Pablo. We had a good time. When we finished we had jamon serrano, bread, Coke, and fruit for lunch..

-Abel y el resto del grupo de Newark Academy.

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