domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013



In the morning we went shopping to Macy's with Lucia, Laura and Alex, Haley's best friend. We ate italian food, it was delicious. In the afternoon, we went home. Haley and Alex told me to wear white cothes to play Twister and they asked me to go out to the garden. We put the paper of the Twister on the ground and we started to put paint on each color as it corresponds. The game was about this: One person (in this case Maddy, Haley's sister) twisted the roulette: the roulette says where you have to put your foot and hand. Of course, because of this we got really dirty. Haley's mom almost had a heart attack when she saw us, but she ended laughing with us. After that we just started to run without shoes down the road screaming. When we came home we had to take a shower with the hose so we could go inside. It was really funny, although i had to take a shower 5 times before i got to take the paint off all my body. It is good to know that you can do weird things here too without being stared at awkwardly.

Vanessa G

Por la mañana fuimos de compras al Macy's con Lucía, Laura y Alex, la mejor amiga de Haley. Comimos comida italiana, estaba deliciosa. Por la tarde, cuando llegamos a casa, Haley y Alex me dijeron que me vistiese de ropa blanca para jugar al "twister" y que saliese al jardín. Pusimos el papel del suelo, y empezamos a poner pintura en cada círculo del color correspondiente. El juego consistía en que una persona (en este caso Maddy, la hermana de Haley) giraba una ruleta; la ruleta te decía lo que tenías que hacer, el pié y la mano (derecha, izquierda) y el color en que tenías que colocarlo (rojo, azul, verde o amarillo). Como es lógico, nos pusimos como puercas. A la madre de Haley casi le dá algo cuando nos vió aun que acabo riéndose con nosotras. Después nos dió una venada y empezamos a correr descalzas por la carretera gritando. Al volver a casa tuvimos que ducharnos en la manguera un poco para poder entrar en casa. Fue muy divertido, tuve que ducharme 5 veces para sacar toda la pintura y aún así parezco un arco iris descolorido. Es bueno saber que aquí también puedes hacer el mongol sin que te vean (muy) raro.

Vanessa G.


Today I have gone with Serena and her family to Jersey City, Hoboken, and we went through Carlo's Bake Shop, a very famous bakery that comes out on TV, and I was very excited. I took many fotos inside and out of the store and I had to wait for one hour to be attend and buy some cupcakes. Then we went to a restaurant with Serena, her family and two friends of her.

Eva B.

Hoy he ido con Serena y su familia a Jersey City, Hoboken y pasamos por la pasteleria de Carlo, una pasteleria muy famosa que sale en la televisión y estaba muy muy emocionada. Sacamos muchas fotos dentro y fuera de la tienda y tuvimos que esperar una hora para que nos atendieran y comprar unos cupcakes. Luego fuimos a un restaurante con Serena, su familia y dos amigas.

Eva B



Saturday was the first day and we were tired from the travel. We got up early because we went to see a baseball game. It was a hard game. Mike's team lost the first game but they won the second. We only saw the first game. Next we went with Mike's mom to see the beach and we ate there. In the afternoon we played pool, Xbox, and Playstation 3 with him. We had dinner at the boardwalk and we walked on the boardwalk. We shot zombies :DDD

Brais C. and Fer M.

On Sunday, Mike's dad prepared an American breakfast. It was the best breakfast in the world. Afterwards, we went fishing and we caught a lot of fish...... 36 blowfish, 2 king fish, 1 sea robin, and 1 baby seabass. After fishing, we went to his other house. The two houses are AMAZING. After going to his regular house we went to a restaurant for dinner. These days will be amazing.

Brais C. and Fer M.


Mi primer día en USA ha sido muy divertido. La mañana fue tranquila,nos despertamos a las 8:00. Desayuné tortitas. Fue la primera vez que las comía. Por la mañana nos quedamos en casa. A la 13:00 nos fuimos a ver el partido de los Yankees vs Red Sox. Fue muy emocionante. El estadio era gigantesco y había muchísima gente. El partido fue interesante pero un poco más lento de lo que pensaba. No lo vimos entero, pero fue una experiencia genial.
Salvia I.

My first day in te USA was very fun. The morning was calm. We get up at 8:00. I  had breakfast pancakes, It was the first time in my life I eat them. In the morning we stayed at home. At 13:00 we left to see the match  Yankees vs Red Sox. It was very exciting. The stadium was gigantic and there were many people. The match was very interesting but  a bit slower than I thought. We didn't see all the match, but it was an amazing experience.

Salvia I.

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