jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Dia 10: SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA: El Camino (Parte 2)

Hoy, yo me desperte temprano porque nosotros ibamos a Santiago de Compostela. Yo cogi mi cepillo de dientes, mi cepillo de pelo y otras cosas y las puse en mi mochilla para el viaje. Mi mama espanola me dio bocadillos para el almuerzo para los proximos dos dias tambien. Entonces llegamos al colegio y nosotros caminamos con los chicos espanoles todos juntos al autobus.Una cosa que note sobre los autobuses de los colegios en Espana es que ellos son "coach buses" no son como nuestros autobuses amarillos en los Estados Unidos.

Today, I woke up early because we had to go to Santiago de Compostela. I packed my tooth brush, my brush, and a few other things into my book bag. My Spanish host mom gave me several sandwiches for lunch for the next two days . Then we went to school and we all got on the school bus. Something I've noticed is that in Spain they have coach buses as their school bus and in the USA we have only yellow buses.

El viaje en el autobus duro tres horas. Yo dormi durante parte el viaje. Pero yo hable con los ninos espanoles y conoci a muchas personas. Entonces cuando nosotros llegamos al Camino de Santiago necesitamos caminar 15 kilometros.
Era un camino muy largo y al principio estaba nublado. Parecia que estabamos caminando por las nubes.

The bus ride took three hours. I slept a portion of the trip. I also spoke to several Spaniards and meet some new kids. When we arrived at The Walk to Saint James we had to hike 15 kilometers. It was a long and cloudy route. in the beginning, it looked like we were walking in the clouds.

Yo camine con muchas personas y yo mire el paisaje que tenia muchas colinas. Habia muchos campos con vacas, ovejas, y otros animales porque era una rural de Galicia. Tambien es el pasaje es muy bonito y yo saque muchas fotos con mi telefono mobil.

I walked with a lot of different kids and I looked at the country side that was extremely hilly. There were cows, sheep, and other animals on the fields because we were in rural Galicia. The countryside was very beautiful and I took a lot of photos with my cell phone.

Yo vi muchas casas en Galicia, muchos pueblos que estaban en colinas. Mas tarde durante el camino, yo vi que en el Camino de Santiago habia caca de los caballos y vacas porque pasabamos por granjas. Por eso, mis zapatos estaban sucios y olian mal.

I saw a lot of little houses that were perched up on the hills. Later on, I saw that on the Walk to Saint James there was horse and cow crap on the path because we hiked through several farms. That's why my sneakers got dirty and smelly.

A mitad de camino teniamos sed y paramos en un bar para peregrinos.  Bebimos agua, cafe, y comimos algunos chocolates, fruta, y patatitas.

Half way through the walk we were thirsty so we stopped at a cafe for pilgrims.  We drank water, cafe, and ate some chocolate, fruit, and potatoe chips.

Al terminar el tramo del Camino de Santiago nosotros llegamos a nuestro albergue en el pueblo de Triacastela. En las habitaciones de los ninos habian 10 camas. Tambien habia una sala comun para jugar juegos de mesa y mirar la television. Todos nos sentamos en la sala comun, hablamos, jugamos a las cartas, y al ajedrez. Tambien fuimos a un pequeno restaurante de pelegrinos para cenar. Yo hable mucho con ambos los chicos espanoles y americanos en espanol. Yo recorde mis modales de la mesa porque comportarse bien en la mesa es muy importane en Espana y todos los paises de Europa. Cuando regresamos al albergue hablamos juntos hasta que fue la hora de dormir.

When we finished our portion of the Walk to Saint James we arrived in our hostal in the town of Triacastela. In the boys rooms there were 10 beds paired up as bunk beds. There was also a family style room where we could all hang out to play board games and watch TV. We all hung out in the common room, talked, played cards, and checkers. We also went to a small restaurant that is set up for pilgrims to have dinner. I spoke with a lot of the Spanish and American kids. I practiced the table manners we had been taught because this is very important in Spain and all the European countries. When we returned to the hostal we hung out and talked until it was time to go to bed.

-Abel y el resto del grupo de Newark Academy.

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